Mastor Mental Health

Our Approach

At Mastor Mental Health, we understand that events and illnesses can disrupt one’s emotional well-being. But there is hope. Mastor Mental Health is a patient-focused practice that treats patients with a variety of psychiatric disorders. We medically manage the psychopharmacologic needs of patients 18 years and older. We also provide referrals for excellent ongoing counseling options when needed.

Our Office

  • Specialized Mental Health Clinic

    We provide evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment for various mental health disorders and issues.

  • Led by Board Certified Psychiatrist, Dr. Mastor

    Dr. Jason E. Mastor and his team of 3 experienced Physician Assistants

Our Services

Our Services

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder typically characterized by inability to focus, listen, fidgeting and can include hyperactivity. The condition can be difficult to diagnose with the symptoms varying between patients. It requires a qualified clinician to make the necessary evaluation and course of treatment.

Adults with attention deficit disorder can face many challenges, but with proper diagnosis, treatment, education, and support, in can be treated and managed.

Anxiety, Panic, Phobia

People experience anxiety, panic and fear from time to time, but when these feelings interrupt one’s ability to function in day-to-day activities, they can become detrimental to a person’s health and well being – not only affecting personal relationships and careers, but they can cause an increased risk for health conditions like heart disease.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder typically involves dramatic mood swings from extreme excitability (mania) with very low periods (depression). These alternating moods can be very dramatic and difficult to predict. A person with bipolar disorder may experience one phase or alternate between the phases lasting from days to months.


A person suffering from depression usually exhibits a variety of symptoms from sadness, worthlessness, pessimism, restlessness, excessive sleeping and many more. In severe, cases, it can include some psychotic symptoms, as well. Typically patients benefit from a combination of medication(s) and counseling.


Mood Disorders

Mood disorders can refer to a variety of conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), post-partum depression and others. The common denominator in mood disorders is just that – a dramatic change in mood: feelings, emotions or temper.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive and obsessive thoughts, actions or even avoidance of particular situations due to unfounded fears. OCD traits can range from washing hands repetitively or having to follow the same order events when leaving the house. The key to defining traits as obsessive-compulsive is whether or not these traits or impulses are “involuntary” and are creating a significant lifestyle disruption or even a severe disability.


Paranoia is a mental disorder characterized by fears or delusions becoming so severe as to create intense feelings of distrust. This constant suspicion can contribute to hostility and aggression.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a very complex condition. One major key in the diagnosis of (PTSD) is that the symptoms are caused by an outside event or stressor considered to be traumatic. The sufferer is affected on many different physical and emotional levels and symptoms may include flashbacks, insomnia and extreme reactions in certain events.


Schizophrenia is a mental illness that persists throughout a person’s life. This chronic and sometimes disabling condition is the result of neurochemical abnormalities causing significant cognitive dysfunction, hallucinations and possibly delusions. Symptoms vary between patients and may change over time. Many patients can experience some improvement in symptoms with ongoing medical management and psychotherapy.

Stress Management


Patient Information

Thank you for choosing Mastor Mental Health for your particular needs. Keep in mind that our entire staff at Mastor Mental Health is here to help make your experience a positive one.

Dr. Mastor is available after office hours for emergencies only. If you have an urgent situation, please call the hospital closest to you and have our doctor on call paged. If you feel the condition is serious or life-threatening, we recommend you call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately. Please refer to the numbers below:

The doctor on call: 1-866-866-8964
After-hours crisis hotline: 1-888-235-4673
Presbyterian Hospital – Huntersville: (704) 316-4000
Lake Norman Regional Medical Center: (704) 660-4000
Iredell Memorial Hospital: (704) 873-5661
Davis Regional Medical Center: (704) 873-0281

For answers to questions or other non-emergency needs after our normal office hours, please leave a message on the office voice mail, and we will return your call the following business day. Our phone hours are:

Monday thru Thursday 8:30am- 5:00 pm and Friday 8:30am- 12:00pm

Your Initial Visit

We ask that you bring a completed copy of all the patient forms (below), your insurance card, and a list of any and all medications you are taking to your first appointment. Please complete the questions and sign all forms prior to your appointment. If you are unable to access these forms, plan to arrive 30 minutes early to complete the forms in our office. We accept most insurances, and payment is due at the time of service. If you have any questions about insurance and payments, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Meet Our Team

Our Location

206 Joe V. Knox Avenue, Suite F
Mooresville, North Carolina 28117
Get Directions

704-662-6500 Phone
704-662-6503 Fax

Mon – Thurs: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

After hours and emergencies:
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
The crisis hotline number is 1-888-235-4673.